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RED - Issue #2

Spring 2021

Governing Globalization



While the world is still plunged into a global health crisis and States seem to be rediscovering the attractions of protectionism and isolationism, the need for a global governance of the commons in the face of challenges common to all humanity is more apparent than ever. Under the direction of Professor Mireille Delmas-Marty, we publish the second issue of the European Law Review, whose contributions attempt to envisage the features of a plural global governance and the legal tools capable of embodying it, in order to ensure unity in plurality.


Hugo Pascal, Vasile Rotaru, Pavlos Eleftheriadis, Vincent Forray, Sébastien Pimont, Astrid Mignon Colombet, Nicola Bonucci, Dani Rodrik, Jean-Marc Sorel, Governing Globalization, Li Bin, Governing Globalization, Bernard Hoekman, Petros C. Mavroidis, Dominique Rousseau, Yann Aguila, Marie-Cécile de Bellis, Edith Brown Weiss, Governing Globalization, Peter Chase, Jorge E. Viñuales