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de 19h à 20h

En ligne - Weekly Seminar

Subsidiary crisis management in the COVID-19 pandemic

A discussion about a set of seven innovative proposals from a report, "Towards subsidiary crisis management in the COVID-19 pandemic - Germany’s federalist experiment in transborder perspective".

Partners: College of Europe The European Institute (Columbia University).
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Thursday 1:00-2:00pm New York (UTC−4) ; 19:00-20:00 Brussels (UTC+2)

A discussion about a set of seven innovative proposals from a report, "Towards subsidiary crisis management in the COVID-19 pandemic - Germany’s federalist experiment in transborder perspective".


  • Introductory remarks by the authors : Lucie Coatleven and Théophile Rospars, Analysts, Groupe d'études géopolitiques.
  • Normunds Popens, Deputy Director-General, DG REGIO, European Commission,
  • Beth A. Simmons, Andrea Mitchell University Professor, University of Pennsylvania,
  • Fabienne Keller, Member of the European Parliament,
  • Wolfgang Petzold, Deputy-Director, Secretariat General of the European Committee of the Regions.


This weekly seminar is organized in partnership with the College of Europe and the European Institute (Columbia University).

If you want to take part in the debate, please write to contact@legrandcontinent.eu.