GEG events

En ligne - Colloque

30.07.21 de 13:00 à 20:00 (UTC)

La UE frente al caso Venezuela

Partners: Harvard University Columbia

Keynote Speaker

Adam Tooze

Professeur d'histoire et directeur de l'Institut européen à Columbia University

Speakers: Alberto Alemanno, Aili Keskitalo, Alexander Stubb, Alessio Pacces, Alessio Pacces, Anu Bradford

Past events


de 19h à 20h

Bruxelles - Weekly Seminar

What to make of the European Green Deal ?

On September 30th, the GEG Weekly Seminar will discuss the European Green Deal and its implications for the world. The discussion will be based on a paper written...

Partners: The College of Europe The European Institute at Columbia University The Europe Center at the University of Cambridge The School of Transnational Governance at the European University Institute

de 19h à 20h

Bruxelles - Weekly Seminar

What measures to answer the post-pandemic economic challenges? With Olivier Blanchard, Jean Tirole and Joseph Stiglitz

On September 23rd, the GEG Weekly Seminar will discuss economic measures to answer the post-pandemic economic challenges. The discussion will be based on a paper written by Olivier...

Partners: The College of Europe The European Institute at Columbia University The Europe Center at the University of Cambridge The School of Transnational Governance at the European University Institute

de 19h à 20h

En ligne - Weekly Seminar

The European Council and the Future of European Politics

On September 16th, the GEG Weekly Seminar will discuss the European Council and the Future of European Politics. The discussion will be based on an interview with Charles...

Partners: The College of Europe The European Institute at Columbia University The Europe Center at the University of Cambridge The School of Transnational Governance at the European University Institute

de 13h30 à 15h00

En ligne - Colloque

What is the future of sovereignty – and of European sovereignty?

Live policy roundtable organised in partnership with the European Parliament Research Service (EPRS) to discuss the future of European sovereignty

Partners: European Parliament Research Service (EPRS)

de 19h à 20h

En ligne - Colloque

How to rethink EU-Africa relations ?

How to rethink EU-Africa Relations ?

Partners: The College of Europe The European Institute at Columbia University The Europe Center at the University of Cambridge

de 19:00:00 à 20:00:00

En ligne - Weekly Seminar

Where is the European Parliament Headed ?

On June 3rd, the GEG Weekly Seminar will discuss the European Parliament as an evolving institution, based on an interview with David Sassoli.

Partners: The College of Europe The European Institute at Columbia University The Europe Center at the University of Cambridge

de 19:00:00 à 20:00:00

En ligne - Weekly Seminar

A Contingent Economic Strategy for the Next Phase

On May 20th, the GEG Weekly Seminar will discuss Olivier Blanchard and Jean Pisani-Ferry's policy paper A Contingent Economic Strategy for the Next Phase.

Partners: The College of Europe The European Institute at Columbia University The Europe Center at the University of Cambridge

de 19:00:00 à 20:00:00

En ligne - Weekly Seminar

The European Commission as a political engine of integration

On May 27th, the GEG Weekly Seminar will discuss The European Commission as a political engine of integration, a conversation with Martin Selmayr and Frédéric Mérand

Partners: The College of Europe The European Institute at Columbia University The Europe Center at the University of Cambridge

de 19:00:00 à 20:00:00

En ligne - Weekly Seminar

The rise of technopopulism

On May 13th, the GEG Weekly Seminar will discuss Christopher Bickerton and Carlo Invernizzi Accetti's text "Le piège technopopuliste". The GEG Weekly Seminar is a series of high-level...

Partners: The College of Europe The European Institute at Columbia University The Europe Center at the University of Cambridge

de 19:00 à 20:00

En ligne - Weekly Seminar

Defeating terrorism and saving art: fighting the same battle

The College of Europe The European Institute at Columbia University The Europe Center at the University of Cambridge


de 15h à 16h15

En ligne - Weekly Seminar

European Foreign policy in times of Covid-19, a conversation with High Representative Josep Borrell

On April 29nd, the GEG Weekly Seminar will discuss Josep Borrell's book European Foreign policy in times of Covid-19. For this exceptional session, Groupe d'études géopolitiques has organised...

Partners: The College of Europe The European Institute at Columbia University The Europe Center at the University of Cambridge

de 19h à 20h

En ligne - Weekly Seminar

The geopolitical awakening of Europe, a conversation with Luuk van Middelaar

On April 22nd, the GEG Weekly will discuss Luuk van Middelaar's vision of a geopolitical Europe. This conversation will be based on an exclusive paper following Luuk van...


de 19h à 20h

En ligne - Weekly Seminar

“Europe puissance”- in Conversation With Clément Beaune

On April 8th, we will discuss Clément Beaune's interview with the Groupe d'études géopolitiques

Partners: The College of Europe The European Institute at Columbia University

de 19h à 20h

En ligne - Weekly Seminar

What is polylateralism?

On April the 1st, we will discuss a concept proposed by Pascal Lamy in an interview published by the Groupe d'études Géopolitiques. According to him, in a world...

Partners: The College of Europe The European Institute at Columbia University

de 19h à 20h

En ligne - Weekly Seminar

The Brussels effect: Does the European Union rule the world?

On March 25th, we will discuss Anu Bradford's interview with the Groupe d'études géopolitiques, The European Union in a globalised world: the “Brussels effect”, which has been published...

Partners: the College of Europe The European Institute at Columbia University

de 19h à 20h

En ligne - Weekly Seminar

What role for trade unions in reforming the European economic consensus?

On March the 18th, we will discuss a paper written by a collective of economist and political scientists (Manon Bouju, Lucas Chancel, Anne-Laure Delatte, Stéphanie Hennette-Vauchez, Thomas Piketty,...

Partners: The College of Europe The European Institute at Columbia University

de 19h à 20h

En ligne - Weekly Seminar

EU fiscal rules after Covid, a turning point for European Economic Governance?

In an article published in French, Spanish and Italian Olivier Blanchard, Álvaro Leandro, Jeromin Zettelmeyer propose to abolish European budgetary rules and replace them with standards, opening up...


de 19h à 20h

En ligne - Weekly Seminar

EU crisis and reform: is differentiated integration the answer?

On 4th March, we will discuss a working paper, "EU crisis and reform: is differentiated integration the answer?", written by Frank Schimmelfennig, Professor of European Politics at ETH...


de 19h à 20h

En ligne - Weekly Seminar

The future of the transatlantic relationship

On 25th February, we will discuss « European Strategic Autonomy and the Biden Presidency » , a policy paper published by the Groupe d’études géopolitiques.

Partners: The College of Europe The European Institute at Columbia University

de 19h à 20h

En ligne - Weekly Seminar

Europe and the Arctic

On 18th February, we will discuss an exclusive in-depth interview with Michael Mann, EU’s Ambassador at large for the Arctic/Special envoy for Arctic matters, published by the Groupe...

Partners: The College of Europe The European Institute at Columbia University

de 19h à 20h

En ligne - Weekly Seminar

La Chine aux portes du réseau électrique européen

Le 11 février, nous discuterons de "La Chine aux portes du réseau électrique européen", un document du Groupe d'études géopolitiques

Partners: The College of Europe The European Institute at Columbia University

de 19h à 20h

En ligne - Weekly Seminar

L’autonomie stratégique européenne

Le 4 février, nous discuterons de l'autonomie stratégique européenne en 2020, un document de travail qui a rassemblé les points de vue d'experts de +20 issus de divers...

Partners: The College of Europe The European Institute at Columbia Universityc

de 19h à 20h

En ligne - Weekly Seminar

Subsidiary crisis management in the COVID-19 pandemic

A discussion about a set of seven innovative proposals from a report, "Towards subsidiary crisis management in the COVID-19 pandemic - Germany’s federalist experiment in transborder perspective".

Partners: College of Europe The European Institute (Columbia University).

de 19h à 20h

En ligne - Weekly Seminar

The impact of Covid-19 on work: telemigration, relocation, environment

A discussion about a working paper published by the Groupe d'études géopolitiques: "The impact of Covid-19 on work: telemigration, relocation, environment".

Partners: The College of Europe The European Institute (Columbia University)

de 14h30 à 16h00

En ligne - Weekly Seminar

Debt and Covid-19 : what can we learn from Africa and Latin America ?

We will discuss two policy papers, Public debt and COVID-19. Paying for the crisis in Latin America and the Caribbean, and How to treat Africa’s Covid-contaminated debt ?


de 19h à 20h

En ligne - Weekly Seminar

Seven Ideas For a European Cultural Recovery Plan

A discussion about a set of seven innovative proposals from a policy paper written by Giuliano da Empoli

Partners: The College of Europe The European Institute (Columbia University)

de 19h à 20h

En ligne - Weekly Seminar

A visa for the European dream

What could an attractive EU policy for STEM workers entail? A discussion about an innovative policy proposal: a European tech visa.

Partners: The College of Europe The European Institute (Columbia University).
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